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接着他又给姚褀安慕晨等人下了命令大家全部行动起来;最后他叫小萝你跟第95章 殿试让嫉妒来得更猛烈些吧我来转身进了书房
<h3>6. Parachute Cruise Time: 5 to 7 Minutes</h3>
<h1>Who Is Terry Crews? Meet The New 'America's Got Talent' Host</h1>
<p>Tandem skydiving or tandem parachuting is a method of skydiving where a student skydiver is connected to a rated instructor called a tandem master. As a pair, the two make a complete skydive which includes jumping from a plane, freefall, canopy flight, and a parachute landing. This type of skydiving was developed and adopted during the 1980’s and quickly became the primary method of first time skydiving.</p>

<a href=https://demo.sngine.com/blogs/72686/Taking-the-Leap-Pre-Jump-Considerations-Understanding-Skydiving-Age-Requirements>https://demo.sngine.com/blogs/72686/Taking-the-Leap-Pre-Jump-Considerations-Understanding-Skydiving-Age-Requirements</a>

<li><strong>The ‘drag coefficient’ and object area.</strong> The reason that skydivers all fall in an ‘arch’ is partly because it puts most of our body in contact with the air. As opposite to that, there’s a thing called head-down skydiving, or speed skydiving ##. This is where we fly head first downwards, with our limbs tucked in – like a bullet shooting down. This greatly reduces our area and drag coefficient, skyrocketing us up in speed.</li>
<p>Tandem freefall speeds are going to vary from jumper to jumper. Smaller, lighter tandems will fall slower. Larger, heavier tandems will fall faster. The drogue chute acts to slow down during freefall. Freefall speeds average around 110 – 130 mph. The most commonly quoted average is fairly accurate at 120 mph.</p>
<p>**For the typical skydiving jump at 13,000 feet you’ll spend 50 seconds in free fall and 5 minutes in canopy flight. 18,000 feet will get you around 85 seconds of free fall time and 5-6 minutes of canopy flight. **</p>
<h2><em>America's Got Talent</em> isn't Terry's first rodeo.</h2>
<li><strong>Bungee jumping:</strong> Bungee jumping is an activity in which you jump from high platforms, like bridges, with an <strong>elastic rope</strong>. In the first part, you can sense almost a freefall, and then the elastic cord stretches and bounces you back in the air.</li>